Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA)
Hot-Mix Asphalt is a precisely engineered product composed of approximately 95 percent aggregate and about 5 percent asphalt cement, a petroleum product that acts as the glue to hold the pavement together.

When combined, these materials create the roads that allow us to drive to work and school and to transport goods across the country.
Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavements are economical, smooth, safe, quiet, constructed quickly, environmentally friendly, 100% recyclable, versatile, lend themselves to stage construction and are easy to maintain.
Our asphalt products are continuously tested by trained laboratory technicians to ensure that each batch meets or exceeds all specifications — regardless of which plant produced it.
Since we control the sources and quality of aggregates and liquid asphalt cement, each asphalt plant is set-up to safely produce hot-mix asphalt to the highest quality possible.
Our plants employ the most current environmental equipment, ensuring good stewardship in the communities where we operate. All of our plants qualify yearly for the National Asphalt Paving Association’s Diamond Achievement Commendation.
For the initial construction and over the long haul, asphalt pavement saves money on construction and maintenance. That’s the conclusion of highway engineers and departments of transportation across the country. The life-cycle costs — money spent on road construction and maintenance over its lifetime — are significantly lower with Hot-Mix Asphalt (HMA) than with concrete.
Surveys conducted by the Federal Highway Administration leave little doubt about what their customers — the motoring public — expect smooth, safe, long lasting pavements in good condition, rapid response when problems arise and minimal disruption when routine maintenance, rehabilitation and emergency repairs are necessary. All of these expectations are best met using hot-mix asphalt pavements. This is why 94 percent of the paved roads in the United States are surfaced with Hot-Mix Asphalt.
Plus, maintenance on HMA pavements is a much less disruptive process. It can be completed quickly and economically. As a result, HMA pavement minimizes the often overlooked costs associated with traffic delays, detours and road closures. These user delay costs can be significant.
Thin HMA overlays, 1 ½” or less, are the cost effective solution for pavement preservation primarily because of their ability to:
- Provide improved ride quality
- Reduce surface distresses
- Maintain surface geometrics
- Reduce noise levels
- Reduce life cycle costs
- Provide long-lasting service
Thin HMA overlays should be placed before the pavement deterioration has reached a critical stage where more extensive rehabilitation is required. This will maximize your performance and yield a more cost-effective solution for your pavement. Thin HMA overlays can be expected to provide 10 years or more on existing asphalt surfaces.
In 2008, the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) surveyed the state asphalt associations concerning the cost and effectiveness of various pavement preservation treatments. Thin HMA overlays had a longer expected life than the other treatments although the cost was higher. However, when that was divided over the expected life, the thin HMA overlay was the most cost efficient option.
Talk with a Cadillac Asphalt expert today to find out how the latest technological developments can improve the quality of your next project and reduce the carbon footprint your company leaves on the surrounding community.